Update from Newcastle City Council
Help to recruit locally
As a Council we want to make it easy for local businesses to find the right talent, and for residents to access the jobs that businesses are creating. We have created a free “Jobs@SkillsHub” service to bring local employers with vacancies together with people looking for work in Newcastle, and help match local people to local jobs. To find out more about this, email skillshub@newcastle.gov.uk or visit http://www.skillshubnewcastle.co.uk.
Help for employees facing redundancy
We know that many businesses are facing difficulties and may be needing to consider making redundancies as Government support reduces. There is a rapid response service available to help employers to manage redundancies, contact rrs.enquiries@dwp.gov.uk to access this, or reply to this email and we will see how we can help you. The National Careers Service can support employees facing redundancy, including help to pay for retraining. To find out more call 0800 100 900 or visit nationalcareers.service.gov.uk.
Help to grow or diversify your business
There is a wide range of support and finance available to help businesses grow, innovate and adapt.
We are offering Citylife Business Support, a new service for small and medium sized businesses who have been affected by COVID-19, delivered by the Business & IP Centre Newcastle and NewcastleGateshead Initiative. CityLife offers free support to help your business recover and plan for the future, including:
Up to 8 hours of free support from ‘Citylife Experts’ covering areas such as legal, financial, HR, digital, marketing and design expertise
Workshops tailored to specific business needs
A free events programme based on current business challenges, resilience, and innovation.
To find out more and register for support, visit https://www.bipcnewcastle.co.uk/citylife-business-support/
If you have a capital investment project that would support growth, the North of Tyne Growth Fund may be able to provide a grant of up to 30% of the cost, visit https://www.northoftynegrowthfund.co.uk to see if you are eligible and find out how to apply.
Our Business Energy Saving Team (BEST) can provide free energy audits and a 33% grant towards the costs of energy efficiency measures that will help cut energy bills, see https://www.best-ne.co.uk/ for more information.
Government is announcing lots of other support and funding offers for particular businesses and sectors, including some 100% grants. We can’t describe all of these, and they are changing quickly so the best way to find out more is through the regional Growth Hub at https://www.northeastgrowthhub.co.uk/.
Register for the Eat Out to Help Out Scheme
Restaurants, cafes and bars with dedicated dining areas can register to use the Eat Out to Help Out to offer discount to diners and encourage them to eat at your restaurant.
